Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bone Broth

     I've been feeling a little sick, like a flu or cold is coming on :( Time to make some bone broth like all the Paleo-ists gush about.
    It's nothing that really needs a recipe. Just use your ingredients for any stock ( onions, carrots, celery,) but boil them with a bunch of bones. (I used a lot of celery because that's what I had, also I want to avoid salicylates for now so I nixed the carrots and herbs) Apparently, adding some vinegar helps to extract the calcium from the bones. I wonder if lime juice would do the same.
    There is some science behind this. A simple google search will show plenty of people going on about the benefits. If you look a little harder you will find a scientific study raising the alarm for "lead toxicity". A second search and you'll find a dozen articles refuting that study.
     Doing a literature key word search on Pub Med didn't help me. Since I am no longer a student, I don't have as much access to finding articles. And I never liked Pub Med as a student, but that's all I can use for free now. I know I can find studies on the benefits of certain minerals, gelatin, chondrotin and cartilage. I was just trying to find studies that show the nutritional benefit and absorbance of these nutrients when you consume a bone broth.
     I found the following list of references on bone broth at The Life Extension Blog
  1. Int J Med Sci. 2009;6(6):312-21.
  2. Chest. 2000 Oct;118(4):1150-7.
  3. Science. 1993 Sep 24;261(5129):1727-30.
  4. Arthritis Rheum. 1998 Feb;41(2):290-7.
  5. Arthritis Rheum. 1996 Apr;39(4):623-8.
  6. J Vet Pharmacol Ther. 2009 Dec;32(6):577-84.
  7. Int J Clin Pharmacol Res. 2002;22(3-4):101-10.

     He talks about the collagen that is released when cooking the bones broth and how it reduces inflammation and relieves osteoarthritis. He doesn't talk about the broth in terms of nutrition and the minerals it is said to release.Whatever, bones contain minerals duh. The bone marrow contains vitamins. If they show that cooking it leaches out some lead that was stored than I'm sure it leaches out into the water, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and so on as well. I think I read about some zinc in there
     Here is a nice article on bone broth Bone Broth is Beautiful.This article talks about everything bone broth and was worth the read. Peer-Reviewed literature or not, it convinced me about bone broth.

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